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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
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    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

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Things we believe

Like all good things in this world, being a parent requires a lot of effort and sometimes it feels like a very bumpy road. We at Chicco try to make this fantastic adventure a little smoother by listening to the needs of parents and parents- to-be. However, we want to go further and promote the idea of parenting, a concept that embraces the wider support system of people who take care of children in different ways. Wherever there is someone caring for a child, we are by their side. #PARENTMORE

Who We Are

We are now present in more than 120 countries and for over 60 years we have been discovering and listening to the stories of generations of new parents, something we will never give up doing. With the same passion as ever we are proud to continue to design innovative products that meet the new needs of parents but it doesn’t stop there. Nowadays we don’t just speak only to mums and dads but to all those who take care of children. After all, aren't we all parents in some way now?

60 Years between
understanding and innovation

We capitalize on a long-term expertise in parents’ and children’s needs, providing products that embed innovation in every market segment, also thank's to the Chicco Research Center. Every step of our story highlights something that reshaped its related category.

Our history

Young entrepreneur Pietro Catelli became a father in 1958. His baby son Enrico was affectionately nick-named Chicco. Pietro soon found out what it meant to be a parent and that’s when he had the visionary idea to create a brand specialising in all areas of parenting. This would cater for the needs of children from birth to 36 months and, above all, make life easier for their parents.




There is no word for this in Italian, but it sums up the philosophy of Chicco. It means taking care of those you love, the way parents do. It’s a value shared by grandparents, aunts and uncles, care givers and babysitters. Furthermore, it extends to anyone who takes care of children.


We have more than 60 years’ experience of every aspect of parental life and, as always, we continue to seek out new solutions. Our basic principles remain the same: a clear focus on quality and compliance with the highest safety standards.


Our sights are always turned to the future. We keep focused not only on the needs of parents today but also what their needs will be tomorrow. We are always listening and understanding that parental needs can evolve to suit day to day life. Taking this on board, we then develop technologically advanced solutions to make their lives as easy as possible. We can never take their place, but we are by their side, every day.


Our sights are always turned to the future. We keep focused not only on the needs of parents today but also what their needs will be tomorrow. We are always listening and understanding that parental needs can evolve to suit day to day life. Taking this on board, we then develop technologically advanced solutions to make their lives as easy as possible. We can never take their place, but we are by their side, every day.